Shopping for Tobacco in Bulgaria? … You NEED this!

You run the risk of Bulgarian Customs seizing your cigarettes/tobacco at the airport. They invariably scan your luggage and then try to enforce UK guidelines of 1kg of tobacco and 800 cigarettes. Our standard documentation won’t help you. Bulgarian Customs will say they can’t read it and so on. Plus your flight is due and they know this … it all adds to the pressure.Your goods WILL be seized and then there will be nothing you can do about it. You won’t get any documentation and even if you complain when you get home you’ll probably find there is no record whatsoever at Bulgarian Customs of your goods being seized.
Produce this letter and the problem with your goods disappears. Bulgarian Customs Officers do NOT want to upset their boss … it’s a bad career move.
This letter was obtained by ourselves when we refused to let Bulgarian Customs seize them. lt meant us missing the flight and going back home to our apartment in Sofia and then the next day going to the British Embassy. That was a battle and a half in itself.  Even talking to them was difficult because the majority of the staff are Bulgarian! We had to teach them the regs and all that went with them first. Then we had to make them get in touch with the Bulgarian Customs bosses. As Brits we wouldn’t have stood a chance but fortunately my wife is Bulgarian and has contacts.
So thanks to her, you don’t have to do any of this …. just use our letter. lt’s written in English AND Bulgarian. Cherish it, it was won with blood, sweat and tears!
lt works and we personally still use it to this day as Bulgarian Customs still try it on!

We Won another Appeal!

Yay! No going to Magistrates Court … just a letter appealing against a tobacco seizure (attempted robbery by UKBA) with the reasons why and that was it.

Very pleased with ourselves that we’ve helped somebody and actually made a difference …. again!

Time for a celebration JD … or 2 or ….