lntelligence Services???? hahahahaha UPDATE

According to latest reports the security theatre is again in full panic mode. Then we have these quotes

“It’s not a bomb but is ‘potentially sinister‘  …  🙂

lt may be a dry run for a bomb.”  Hahahahahaha

Yeah right, so you send a parcel that looks like a bomb to see what? lt gets through to the other end? lt’s not detected? What????

This security circus has just one set of performers …. clowns!!!!!!!


Barry Obama and Security Chief Brennan made a pigs ear of press release. Barry said it was apparently explosive material. Brennan said this material was made inert even though they didn’t know what it was and how it was to be triggered. He went on to say these packages were to “do harm”.

Very innocuous term there Mr Brennan.

They had 2 fighter jets from Canada and then 2 from USA escorting the aircraft in.

What! they flew this aircraft that they thought had a bomb on it over NY! l won’t mention the pointlesness of the fighter jets … ooh, l did.

Brennan says that it would be unusual for a traditional drt run to have explosives.

No, it would be totally stupid not too. Have a dry run? FFS!

The UK  package that was deemed not explosive has now gone away to test if it is.

Oh, l’m sure we can get a scientist to say that … just give him some extra money and it’ll be fine.

There was a tip-off

So apart from packages arriving at Jewish places of worship from their sworn enemies, we have a tip -off too?  ha ha ha

Well, you can see where it’s going folks. Expect shortly to have announcements that the packages were explosives and credible devices.

I bet the Chairman of BA had wished he kept his mouth shut …. cue more security restrictions.