Resistance Fighters …. call to action!

The enemy (the government) aren’t listening because we are not hurting them. Well it’s time we did. There is no need to wait for our supposed leaders in the campaign against the smoking ban because, to be quite frank, they aren’t achieving anything anyway. Parliament just pats them on the head and sends them away with nothing. They do great work but nobody there listens … it’s time to stop being nice!

ln reality we are all isolated and instead of constantly trying to get ourselves organised as a group lets use what we have. The government pay attention every time to one thing in particular, and it’s the one thing they are short of … money.

YOU are in control of whether they get that money or not. lt’s the tax on tobacco/cigarettes and it is not an insignificant amount.

A pack of 20 cigarettes cost on average £5.70 and from that £5.70 the government get £4.40! … yes £4.40.
Golden Virginia tobacco costs £12.12 and from that the government get £8.60 … yes £8.60 (source)

The government then use that money to fund such as ASH and other anti-smoking groups. So YOU are paying your enemies to treat you like pariahs. ls that insanity or what?

A single smoker who smokes 20 cigarettes a day pays the government £39.90 a week, which is £2074.80 a year. 40 a day … £4149.60 a year!  STOP PAYING THEM!

 Every pack of 20 cigarettes you buy in the EU puts approx £3.50 back in your pocket and the UK government gets nothing … zilch!

Go to the EU and pay on average approx £2.20 for the same cigarettes that would cost you £5.70 in the UK. Preferably go to pro-smoking countries like Bulgaria and let them have the excise duty and vat. lt’s 100% legal and is your right as an EU citizen. Do groups like FOREST promote this sort of thing? Can somebody tell me?

You rolling tobacco guys will also make huge savings but l’ve no idea of how many rollies you get out of a 50gm pouch so can’t do my calculations. Maybe someone can tell me how many?

l know some of you are already doing this but get more to do it. Organise little pockets of resistance. Let them tell their friends, and their friends tell their friends. Make it grow. Stop moaning on the web and do something positive. The government will notice then and perversely they’ll make it look even worse because they’ll over-estimate the statistics like they always have done when used against smokers.

lt’s a win-win for smokers. You end up with more money in your pockets and the government end up with none! There’s lots of details on this blog on how to shop in the EU as is your right but if you are still unsure e-mail me with any questions. I’ll gladly answer them.

 You veteran resistance fighters … help others to help themselves. We maybe fragmented but we are many and that’s a great deal of tax we have control of. Don’t give it to our oppressors!

Oh, and don’t forget your bottles of spirits when shopping …. less tax for the UK government.


Anon in comments 21.54 …. with your figures that’d be roughly £18.7 Billion for cigarette tax and £2.7 Billion for rolling tobacco.

Total would be £21.4 Billion lost to treasury or if you want   £21,400,000,000. 🙂

D-Day Heroes and smoking … but don’t mention the French!

This Graye Churchill tank in the car park at Courseulles-sur-Mer is situated about 100 metres from the beach where it came ashore at the junction of the Green (left) and Red (right) sectors of Mike/JUNO Beach. Thus is where the Royal Winnipeg Rifles came on D-Day 6th June 1944. They suffered 128 casualties, the second heaviest Canadian regimental casualties of the day.

This tank came ashore and slid down into the flooded culvert, it sunk and was then hit by mortars. The sunken tank was incorporated into the exit road and there it stayed until 1976 when it was recovered, restored and moved to the car park. Also in the car park is a granite monument about 0.75 metres wide by 1.25 metres high. This monument is dedicated to the Canadian Scottish and Royal Winnipeg Rifles. h/t vicherley

Take a closer look at the photo and you’ll see in the top right hand corner a cross. This cross is about 50-60 ft high and in chrome and is actually on the beach. There is a large area decked out to accommodate it. lt is the Charles De Gaulle Cross commemorating his landing there as the Liberator of France. No he didn’t come on the 6th or 7th … not even the 12th when Churchill came. He came on the 14th! The only thing missing in the tank photo is there is also a flag flying there … yes, the French one.

The 3 D-Day vets that l’d taken were not very complimentary about it to say the least. Comments like ‘Fucking typical, our lads are shoved in the car park and that big nosed cunt gets a fucking giant memorial to proclaim himself Liberator of France” … “Cunt” … ” Do you know that there’s no figures for French casualties on D-Day?” … ” Yeah, did you see the leaflet on the war cemetries? 1000’s of Allied graves and even the Poles have 690 odd. The French one? … 90 … fucking 90!” … ” Liberator of France? … Cunt!”

l looked later at the leaflet and it did indeed say that. Later on when l’d taken them to bar and we were sat out in the sun having a beer … and a smoke, one of the vets said ” Y’know, l used to enjoy a pint and a smoke at the pub but it’s not worth going anymore. Hardly anyone goes. When l have been and l want a smoke l’ve got to shuffle out on these fucking sticks. Doesn’t matter if it’s pouring with rain, blowing a gale, fucking snowing … out l fucking go”

He went on “What really pisses me off is all them fucking anti-smoking cunts. They say it’s better for me, it’s healthier, it’s for my own good … l’m 85 for fucks sake!”

His mate replied ” Makes you wonder why we bothered, fucking fascists won in the end”