EXCLUSIVE! Smoking Hot caught on Camera

On a beach where the righteous are not welcome or tolerated. Smokers are in abundance and so is the alcohol … and heaven forbid amongst the children too! To make it worse for the righteous many of the female are in various forms of swimming attire and there seems to be a shortage of bikini tops … in front of the children too! Many of the children dont have costumes at all … oh horror! Food is readily available including steaks, burgers and other non-righteous products.

There’s no ban on cameras here, no smoking ban, no alcohol limits etc etc. This is people enjoying themselves and they need no government to tell them how to do it or protect them. The children are safe under the view of ALL the parents. This is how it should be … and is!

So, the Resistance flag was raised above the White Bar, smokes and JD flowed whilst at this particular moment Bob Marley sounds were playing … time for a nap! Smoking Hot is content.Best Smoky Drinky in the world! 🙂

Note … writing could be more descriptive but had a bottle of JD last night so it’s as good as it will get for today. Need a hair of the dog. 🙂

Freedom in the Rhodopian Mountains of Bulgaria

Near to the border of Greece (20km) is a small Bulgarian village called Trigrad. It is at the end of a gorge pass about 7km long. The road is narrow but useable with care. Trigrad has a population of approx 250.
Accommodation was just a room in someones house but it was clean and had it’s own bathroom.

On the nightime we ended up at the local bar which is really no more than a Leg Iron smoky/drinky. We bought a bottle of the local whisky which was not that bad at all but at 4 quid a bottle, who’s complaining?

Talk centred on the regulations including the smoking ban that the EU tried to impose. These people simply have no regard for anything that could restrict their lives. Regulations are just something to be ignored or got round. They had a lifetime of regulations from the communist era so had excellent training on how to deal with regulations.

Take my current hotel in Solzapol. They have no smoking signs on my hotel room door and hallway but they gave me an ashtray! … and there’s ashtrays in the hallway. This is truly a refreshing attitude they have and one has to applaud them. They take no too kindly to anyone who tries to be righteous either.  At the bar that l’m writing this there must be 75% of the people smoking and the ones that aren’t are not tutting or waffing their arms about … everyone is just enjoying life.

We finally left the smoky drinky leaving 5 people of the village there in the early hours of the morning. l bought a final round for them before leaving …. 2 quid for a round!

Freedom is alive and well in Bulgaria!

Normal service resumed. Smoking Hot has landed!

Been travelling in mountains so internet has been non-existant. Now on Black Sea so office now open 24/7. Sea, sun, sand, great cheap food, large JD and coke with ice (2 quid), beer chaser (60p), Marlboro Lights (2 quid), classic rock, beach babes  …. and no Stasi!

 Got some catching up on reading what you guys have been up to.

 Posts to follow.

Escaping Stalag UK

Hey ho, l’ve escaped Stalag UK for a while. I’ll blog when l can. Still can’t quite get my head around that l’m more free in a former USSR country. Going back to bar now to have a drink and a smoke … as most of the customers are doing. Still busy at 04.30 in the morning and it’s an ordinary bar … not a club.

Freedoms lost.

Am currently with some customers on a tobacco/cigarettes shopping trip. They’ve never been to Bulgaria and have been very pleasantly surprised with this ex-communist Soviet Bloc country. They can smoke in bars, restaurants etc with no-one treating them like lepers because smoking is here is normal. lt’s part of lfe, you either smoke or you don’t. lt’s a personal choice and no-one condemns you, shuns you, turns their noses up, make offensive comments … nothing!

They particularly loved the park in the centre of Sofia. lt was a very hot day which had brought everybody out to the park … couples, families, people walking dogs, kids, seniors etc. There was live music in sections of the park and many folk could be seen drinking alcohol … and of course smoking.

What my customers noticed most however was how the kids were enjoying themselves. They were climbing trees, statues, messing about by the little rivers and lakes with not a care in the world. What was even more noticeable to my customers was the lack of warning signs and wardens prohibiting and stopping these activities.

One of my group commented “England was once like this”