Census 2011 Rebels … did you suffer any consequences?

Did you not fill in your Census? Did you not send it back? Did you ignore it entirely? If so, what happened afterwards?

The people l know who didn’t complete the Census for whatever reason have not had to suffer any consequences at all. A few had cards pushed through the door, a few had callers whom they quickly fobbed off … and that was it!

Nothing else happened!

I thought they threatened to chase up all these people that didn’t conform to the 2011 Census? They threatened heavy fines and such but where l am this was seemingly all bluff.

What happened to you?

Soviet Soldiers Become Superheroes Overnight

“It’s unclear who transformed this Soviet army monument in Sofia, Bulgaria, but how interesting is this? The artists changed the Russian Red Army soldiers, who led an advance on Nazi-allied Bulgaria during World War II, into superheroes and comic book characters!

The pop art creation with the caption “Abreast with the Times” drew crowds of people over the weekend, posing to have their picture taken with Superman, Santa Claus, Ronald McDonald , Captain America, Batman’s sidekick Robin, and the Joker.

Russia’s embassy in Sofia wasn’t so happy about the brief transformation. “The Russian embassy is again compelled to highlight an outrageous act of vandalism against the Soviet army monument in Sofia,” they said.

But many individuals did not agree with Russia’s government. In fact, 1,700 people rallied on Facebook to protest against the cleaning of the sculpture. Too bad it was all in vain. The monument has since been cleaned up, at a cost of about $720.”

story here

l’m a bit late posting this but hey-ho … it’s something l want on my blog. You see, the artwork didn’t disappear. There’s now t-shirts, hats etc all over Bulgaria with this picture emblazoned on. The Russians are none too pleased about it but the Bulgarians couldn’t care less. Amazingly it was done in just one night but the other equally amazing thing is it only cost $720 to clean and was done in less than a day!

lmagine what it would have cost in the UK … and how long it would have taken!

Aerial View of Vehicles Stolen by UKBA

UKBA wont give the exact number of vehicles they steal … just say it’s over 5000 a year. Here is just some of them … currently about 1200 at this location (next to forest area and all way round). Zoom in here and have a look round. See the double security gates, collection point etc etc. Won’t show you inside perimeter fence obviously but you can can go everywhere else.

h/t the wonderful Amanda 🙂

UKBA Securing Our Borders … hahahahahaha!

I’ve heard a great deal about how the UKBA secure our borders and how they fight smuggling too by keeping data on our travel. This being the case, l decided to see what they held on me seeing l’ve given them so much grief.. So l sent in a SAR (Subject Access Request) along with a cheque for 10 pounds and waited for the detailed results. Today l received UKBA’s detailed reply … or as they state “Please find attached copies of your entry/exits to and from the UK” and other details held.

Outbound 24/09/2009 flight from London Heathrow to Montreal
Return      12/10/2009 flight from Montreal to London Heathrow


Outbound 07/11/2009 flight from Manchester to Sofia
Errr ? did l come back? did l ever leave?
Outbound 12/12/2009 flight from Manchester to Sofia
Return 30/12/2009 flight from Sofia to Manchester


Outbound 06/05/2010 flight from Luton to Sofia
Return      16/05/2010 flight from Sofia to Luton
Return      18/05/2010 flight from Sofia to Luton
So l came back twice?????


Outbound 19/06/2010 flight from Luton to Sofia
Return      22/06/2010 flight from Sofia to Luton 


Outbound 31/08/2010 flight from Luton to Sofia
Return      13/09/2010 flight from Sofia to Luton


Outbound 08/12/2010 flight from Doncaster to Katowice
Errr? it seems l didn’t come back again??


Outbound 27/12/2010 flight from Luton to Sofia
Return       31/12/2010 flight from Sofia to Luton


Outbound 12/03/2011 flight from Doncaster to Gdansk
Errr? it seems l didn’t come back???


Outbound 13/05/2011 flight from Doncaster to Gdansk
Errr? it seems l didn’t come back again!!!


On top of this they have me listed for a stop and search when l returned to Hull on 08/03/2011 where they say “Nothing of Customs interest following search of vehicle” but you’ll note from the above list that there is no record of me entering the country at that time. They also have me down for a stop and search on 07/01/2011 … where the hell this comes from l have no idea as l was staying in London at that time spending a week with my brother!!!

The travel data they have on me is a bloody joke … at best it shows 33% of my travel to and from UK. There are loads of trips completely missing.

Am l surprised? … NO!    UKBA simply are in a complete mess …. FACT! … and they tell us they are securing our borders???? … yeah, right!  

Further confirmation came when Zaphod received his SAR results that were requested at the same time as l put mine in. Even though Zaphod has travelled with me on quite a few trips and these were booked on same credit card …. his results were …. UKBA have NO records of him ever leaving the UK!!!!! or any details of any stop and searches or seizures … or subsequent appeals!!!

EXCLUSIVE! Smoking Hot caught on Camera

On a beach where the righteous are not welcome or tolerated. Smokers are in abundance and so is the alcohol … and heaven forbid amongst the children too! To make it worse for the righteous many of the female are in various forms of swimming attire and there seems to be a shortage of bikini tops … in front of the children too! Many of the children dont have costumes at all … oh horror! Food is readily available including steaks, burgers and other non-righteous products.

There’s no ban on cameras here, no smoking ban, no alcohol limits etc etc. This is people enjoying themselves and they need no government to tell them how to do it or protect them. The children are safe under the view of ALL the parents. This is how it should be … and is!

So, the Resistance flag was raised above the White Bar, smokes and JD flowed whilst at this particular moment Bob Marley sounds were playing … time for a nap! Smoking Hot is content.Best Smoky Drinky in the world! 🙂

Note … writing could be more descriptive but had a bottle of JD last night so it’s as good as it will get for today. Need a hair of the dog. 🙂

Report from Office Bulgaria … land of smokers!

Coming out to BG l ran into airport security drones. l still had in my carry-on bag what was left of a 15gm tube of Bonjela that l had for a mouth ulcer. You’d have thought it was weapons grade biological warfare material the way they reacted. ‘l should have had it in a plastic bag’ … ‘Do l want a plastic bag for it? … that’lllbe ÂŁ1 please’

l laughed (they dont like that but l did think it was funny) and said So’ you’ve got the tube of whats left … maybe 2gm, you know what it is and yet you want me to buy a plastic bag for it?? That’s insanity!’

Their reply was ‘lt’s security and the law’ . l replied ‘ Security? .. you mean like the barriers you put up outside the airport so no-one can pickup or drop off? (it’s a small airport (Humberside) and had a small area in a ‘U’ shape that cars and taxis used exclusively for dropping off and picking up).

Drone said ‘ Yes, that was done because of the Glasgow incident where they tried to ram the airport with a car and blow it up so we did it for security’

I smiled saying ‘But they can still drive on the pavement’ The drone said ‘No they can’t. lt’s not allowed’ ( seems terrorists obey traffic regs )

l gave up and left the drone clown clutching the 2gms of Bonjela to carry on the circus act with the next passenger. Note … to date, the security circus has not caught one terrorist … nor any elephants, tigers or anything else.

Regarding the airport shop selling duty free cigarettes as duty paid cigarettes … l’ve had no reply from them. The company is called Travel Retail Distribution and is a subsidary of Heinemann. l’m still amazed by this as they are doing it right under the noses of Bulgarian Customs who actively target Brit passengers on what they can or not take out of Bulgaria. Perhaps this company thinks their problem has gone way because l left. Oh dear, l’ve got news for them … l’m coming back very shortly. l’ll check in with my luggage and no doubt attract attention from Bulgarian Customes because ‘l’m over the limit’ on what they say l can take out. Then the fun will start!

lt’s going to be interesting to say the least. l shall try to record it.

l’ll leave you now. Regards from ‘the office’  Yes, they are my feet. 🙂 in the pic

WARNING!!! to Brit Smokers Holidaying in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is a favoured holiday destination this year for Brit smokers. lt has taken over from Greece/Spain as it’s prices are far cheaper and Bulgaria does not go with a smoking ban. Holidaymakers buy a lot of their cigarettes from the airport before they return to the UK.If you intend on doing this or your friends are … heed this warning!

The airport shop at Bourgas (Burgas) is selling cigarettes that are stamped Duty Free but being sold as as Duty Paid. lf you are stopped by the UKBA when you return home, cigarettes will be confiscated! lt doesn’t matter if you have receipts from the airport shop because it will make no difference to the UKBA as the cigarettes are NOT duty paid. All duty paid cigarettes in Bulgaria have a duty paid sticker on them and the price in Bulgarian Leva (example … Marlboro 5.00 Leva). Duty Free don’t have this!

Also this airport is selling these false duty paid cigarettes at extortionate prices. A pack of 200 Marloboro should be only 50 leva … 2 Bulgarian Leva = 1 Euro (fixed). The airport is charging 69 leva! or if you prefer 34.50 Euros! As duty free cigarettes these must have cost the company pennies compared to duty paid! Do not be ripped off AND face them being conficated by the UKBA … buy your ciggies from supermarkets … the price is fixed and printed on the packs according to Bulgarian law.What you see is what you pay,

The other airport this company operates from is Varna … expect the same there,

l’m on the case … l’ll post my results later,