## UPDATED ## Reply from Boris at Bulgarian Customs. WTF?

I asked Bulgarian Customs if the airport shop at Burgas, Bulgaria was allowed to sell cigarettes marked “Duty Free Only”  as “EU Duty Paid”. This relates to this earlier post.

Boris kindly replied but as to what his reply actually says, l am unsure to say the least.

Any ideas anyone? SBC?


These are the duty paid stickers. The sticker gives the year  and you’ll note on the lhs of the sticker it has the price 3.90 lev as set by the BG government. Other EU countries do this … oh wait …. not the UK …. they allow retailers to rip you off too … once the government has ripped you off of course with their extortionate tax!

## UPDATED## Baccy Mini-Cruise Offer … Not To Be Missed!

From beginning of OCT to the end of DEC P&O Ferries will be offering a 2 for 1 deal for mini-cruises from Hull to Zeebrugge.

Both Zaphod and myself will be going on these mini-cruises and we want YOU to come aswell. Last year we paid as little as £22.50 per person! There is onboard shopping and also very good tobacconists in Brugge. The mini-cruise consists of 2 nights on the ferry (yes, you get cabins included) and a day in Brugge. There is of course onboard entertainment, bars, restaurants, casino and so on.

We want to meet you ALL and in doing so exchange ideas, information, experiences and the like on the issues of cross-border shopping and the smoking ban AND you’ll be sticking two fingers up to the government by purchasing your tobacco at approx a third of the price in the UK!

What’s not to like?

This beats the hell out of holding meetings etc in hotels, conference rooms because it pays for itself. lf you’ve got any ideas of your own, let us know and we’ll put them up. We aren’t in charge of this, you are. You can do what you want. However we will be there to guide you and give you advice if you so wish.

We aren’t a travel agency and don’t want your credit card details, personal info etc etc. You book it yourself with P&O and we meet onboard (or not if don’t like the look of us). Personally, l’d be quite happy meeting you under your blogger names and id’s. lt’s up to you.

l see most people being interested in the weekend trips … these would sail at 18.30 Fri and get back 08.15 Sun or sail 18.30 Sat and get back 09.15 Mon.We will look at mid-week if enough are interested You can get transport from Zeebrugge to Brugge … takes about 15 mins but we will have transport of our own too.

So c;mon people … e-mail me at nothing_2_declare@ymail.com  or go to Facebook if you’re interested (choose a few suitable dates and l’ll take it from there) Booking will start on 12th Sept for OCT-DEC mini-cruises. Sorry about you Southern folk but us Northerners have had to travel to Dover often enough … now it’s your turn and anyway this is a mini-cruise.

Note:- Zeebrugge is NOT like Calais. There is NO juxtaposed UKBA Control Area in Zeebrugge.

Spread the Word peeps!

UPDATE … now on Facebook

UPDATE 2     Regarding booking, if you are planning on coming by yourself please book for 2 and put any name you like as the 2nd traveller. By doing this we should be able to fill that 2nd traveller position with someone else who is travelling by themself. Note:- P&O have a policy that even if you book for 2 and the 2nd traveller does not come or you book a single … that they have the right to use and fill that cabin vacancy. This means you will be travelling with a stranger in your cabin.Better it be one of ‘our’ strangers m’thinks!
Changing names on bookings with P&O is free, unlike airlines.

2. We have some non-smokers going just for the jolly. We will have a vacancy for someone like this to travel in a vehicle but please note that NO tobacco will be allowed to be brought back in the vehicle. This is because the vehicle can be and may be seized by UKBA. The UKBA don’t have to justify their decision to seize it, they only have to ‘believe’ the vehicle is being used to carry goods for a commercial purpose. Yes, we’d get the vehicle back but that would be months later. Would the UKBA be so petty and vindictive? … damn right they would! … and have on many occasions!


Together we stand, divided we fall …c’mon now people let’s get on the ball


UKBA Guidelines of 1kg tobacco and 800 cigarettes NOT coming in this year!

UKBA seemingly have changed their mind about implementing the new guidlelines of 1kg tobacco and 800 cigarettes this year. This info comes from Daytripper and l find them a reliable source. The owner is a straight up guy and runs an informative site for cross-border shoppers.Go take a look.

Be careful if stopped by the UKBA though, they are not to be trusted. Current events certainly suggest that they wouldn’t try to use these new guidelines in order to seize your goods. So if they try and say that these new guidelines are in force … they are lying!

Don’t be fooled by guidelines … they are not limits or allowances … simply guidelines.

We’ll do our best to keep you updated on these new guidelines … UKBA may change their mind next week!!!!

EXCLUSIVE! Malice Aforethought by UKBA as they Devise a Setup against Me.

No, l’m not a conspiracy nut, l deal in facts and logic.Knowing the tactics they use to seize cross-border shoppers goods and vehicles plus the grief l’ve caused them, along with this blog, l knew l’d be a target sooner or later. Never envisaged this tactic though.

A short while ago l put in an FOI request (UKBA call it a SAR)  to UKBA’s Data Protection Unit. What l recieived back was incomplete travel details but more importantly a reference to a stop and search at Luton Airport on 31/12/10 where it said and l quote ” 9600 KSF allowed to proceed. Notice 1″ issued. This figure of 9600 KSF (King Size Filters) bore no reality to the actual amount l brought in so l immediately wrote back and asked them to change it to the true amount.I also asked them to change that l received a Notice 1 as the Notice 1 they tried to give me was out of date and therefore it’s contents  incorrect with current regulations.

They replied very quickly but did not retract or correct the errors. lnstead they sent me a copy of the UKBA Officers notebook who had stopped and searched me at Luton on 31/12/10. The contents of said notebook “corroborated” the amount of 9600 KSF on their records … but it went further.l’m certain l was not supposed to see this but obviously the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing in the UKBA.

lt stated l was stopped going through the blue channel at 08.35 (in fact, they were waiting for me at Passport Control which l had fully expected after the fiasco at Doncaster Airport on 10.12.10). After initial informal questioning l left with my goods at approx 08.55, there was NO formal interview (otherwise known as the A-J’s). Now here is where it gets interesting.

lmmediately after l’d left, this officer then writes in his notebook about the stop and search. Remember, l’ve just left at approx 08.55 and he starts writing in his notebook immediately after.Don’t forget either that he has just stopped and searched me where he has taken out my cigarettes, seen them and counted them (which even he himself states he did).

So he puts down the WRONG amount, not once but 6 times. Next he puts down they were Marlboro!!! (twice!) … they were NOT. … they were Lambert & Butler (my receipt shows this and he had looked at it). He also specifically states that he asks me if l smoke Marlboro!, to which he states that l replied ‘yes’. He actually asked me if l smoked Lambert & Butler! l wasn’t carrying any Marlboro whatsoever!

There are other false entries but the ones above are the critical ones. As most of you know, when the UKBA stop and search you they are looking for you to contradict yourself in their questioning as this is all they need to seize your goods. This would mean the next time l was stopped and searched …. and questioned, it would look as though they’ve caught me out as l would’ve contradicted what was on their ‘records’. To them it would ‘prove’  … l LIED about the AMOUNT, the BRAND and what l SMOKE. Make no bones about it, my goods WOULD be seized because they have it on RECORD that l brought in what it says on their records. Even if it went to court how do you think the judge would find … for me or against me? … taking it into account that the UKBA will provide ‘evidence’ that l’m bringing in a completely different brand that they SAY l brought in last time, and also ‘lied’ about the amount l brought in AND l’m now supposedly smoking a different brand? No brainer isn;t it?

Don’t try and tell me that the officer made accidental mistakes. He’s trained to take in details, l’d only just left and he made sure l never saw his notebook and therefore l never read it or of course signed it to it being correct and factual Of course l’d have never signed it to say it was factual or correct anyway! 🙂

So what happened to their well laid plans at their first opportunity to stop and search me again?

Well nothing because l was carrying NOTHING!  …. NO tobacco! … NO cigarettes!    and l hit them with a Statement of Truth that listed all my previous trips and purchases in the last 12 months (l’d decided to do SOT’s after this Luton stop and search) God was with me that day … l think it’s because God SMOKES! 🙂 Looking back, l now know why they seemed so crestfallen. Since then they’ve left me alone … how long for? Who knows?

Now it’s my turn and they’ve got a lot of explaining to do! One finds that there’s a great deal of difference between contents of a notebook and an actual audio recording! 🙂 This is the officers notebook below, you’ll see that they’ve blacked his ID number out … well. it’s 10400. Some of us take note of details! His version of my stop and search is complete bollox!

New UKBA Guidelines re 1kg tobacco/800 cigarettes re cross-border shopping

l’ve had a few texts from a couple of readers about these new guidlines announced in the Spring budget.

People still think these guidelines are allowances and limits … THEY ARE NOT!

Currently the guidelines are 3kg of tobacco and 3200 cigarettes but soon they will change to 1kg of tobacco and 800 cigarettes. The changes are to come into effect in the autumn of this year but no specific date has been given. Regular Tripper said the UKBA at Dover had told the driver of the coach the new guidlenes were to implemented in July. Yet l was talking to UKBA/HMRC last Friday and they said it was under review and no date had been set.

Now it would not surprise me at all if Dover were already using the new guidelines (albeit unofficially) to harass and rob cross-border shoppers of their legally goods. Their reputation as nasty,evil, lying, intimidating, robbing,  and power mad  at Dover is well documented by their victims. Dover is closely followed by Glasgow Airport.

So what effect do these new guidelines actually have on your right to buy as much tobacco/cigarettes for your personal use? The answer is NOTHING! … that’s right … NOTHING!

We were bringing in our tobacco/cigarettes when these guidelines of 800 and 1kg were in force before they changed them to 3200 cigarettes and 3kg of tobacco in 2002. We haven’t changed our shopping habits regardless of how the guidelines have changed for 20 years …and we’ve always been above the guidelines … well above.


Now UKBA will use these lower guidelines to harass and intimidate and rob more cross-border shoppers of their legally bought tobacco/cigarettes and vehicles. The only way they can do this is if you go cross-border shopping unprepared. There’s enough info on here to tell you how to prepare … especially the SOT (Statement of Truth) along with the rest of the advise at the top of the page.  Use it and tell your friends/colleagues to use it if they are going cross-border shopping, if unsure about anything … contact us!

Thanks again to those who sent me a text. Oh, and to the guy who said he goes to Spain to buy his cigarettes … go to Poland or Bulgaria instead …. 45% cheaper there!

Bye Amy

A great talent gone far too early. The other side of this is her parents. l really don’t know how parents deal with the loss of a child … l can’t imagine it and to be honest l don’t want to. Anytime l see a pic, clip or hear Amy it reminds me of my youngest daughter whom l haven’t seen for about a year now. 😦 Why?

My youngest daughter had a going away party before she went to work in the States. The theme she chose was celebrities. My daughter went as Amy and being a photographer she went the whole hog… even her fake tattoos and a wig. She truly did look amazing and that image will remain with me forever.I won’t put a photo up for obvious reasons.

Bye Amy …. sing a duet with Janis. Dedicate it to the parents of those innocents in Oslo. R.I.P.

FFS! £8.29 for 20 Lambert & Butler!!!!!

Go anywhere in Bulgaria and the price of cigs/tobacco are the same. lt’s set by the government and the price is printed on the duty paid label stuck on the packet of cigs/tobacco. l believe the same is in other countries like Spain, Poland etc.

We are ripped off in this country anyway … 20 Lambert & Butler will cost you £6.31 in Asda (£2.25 in Poland).
So the government are ripping off the UK smokers but not content with that they allow service stations/airports and anyone else to rip off smokers as well!

lf EU countries have this reg that sets the price of cigs/tobacco … why the hell not us? Smokers seem to be the perfect victim for anyone that chooses to do anything malicious, harmful or spiteful here in the UK!

The price quoted was from Humberside Airport retail shop. ls there any wonder the black market is growing?
Smokers can’t afford the prices in UK and if they try and legitimately purchase their tobacco/cigs from the EU, the UKBA do all in their power to rob them of their goods.

No wonder the black market is doing so well … they’ve got the government, UKBA and ripoff retail outlets to help them!

Anyone know of a price greater than £8.29 for a pack of 20 Lamberts?

WARNING! British Smokers holidaying in Bulgaria Part 2

Readers will remember that l warned British holidaymakers about the Burgas Airport shop in Bulgaria. Since then l’ve tried to clarify matters but with little success. Below is a letter from the Burgas Duty Free Shop owners Heinemann, Germany (they run Varna Airport too) with my subsequent responses. Below the letter is all the agencies and such l’ve contacted and state of play.

l find the answers from Heinemann not very convincing and even if l was convinced that still leaves the problem of HMRC/UKBA when you return to the UK. Whether a little till receipt is sufficient for proving EU DUTY has been paid, l simply don’t know despite my best efforts to find out. What l do know from talking to HMRC/UKBA is that almost certainly their frontline officers won’t accept it as such and will seize the cigarettes/tobacco. l envisage it would end up as a matter for the Magistrates Courts in your Appeal Against Seizure to decide whether this little till receipt is sufficient to prove EU DUTY has been paid. 

Apart from that, there is still the what l can only call profiteering going on at these shops but it isn’t at just Heinemann shops in Burgas and Varna Airports. Even at the Sofia Airport shops run by a different company that DO have EU DUTY PAID and DUTY FREE cigarettes, they are still profiteering. They do this by pricing in Euros and when you try to pay in the local Bulgarian currency of Lev they charge you at airport currency exchange rates for converting Lev into Euros! This means that (for example) a carton of 200 Marlboro whose price is fixed by Government regs at 50 Lev wil cost you 60 Lev or thereabouts.

So, what l always do and advise others to do is to buy your cigarettes/tobacco from the Bulgarian Domestic market at reputable supermarkets and such (not street traders!). That way you get your cigarettes/tobacco with the official EU DUTY PAID stickers on (Heinemann call them tax banderols … see below) and a receipt AND at the correct price!

Now to the letter from Heinemann with my comments in ‘blue’ :- 

From: ****** ********@gebr-heinemann.de>
To: nothing_2_declare@ymail.com
Sent: Tuesday, 12 July 2011, 8:50
Subject: Antwort: WG: Burgas 11.07.11 ****** *********** – Kundenbeschwerde/Anfrage

Dear Mr ********,

Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your experience at our Burgas Duty Free Airport Shop. We have a quit specific situation with respect to the sales of cigarettes in Bulgaria but we will try our best to explain the situation to you.

Bulgaria has a specific Duty Free law which just allow to sell “Duty Free Merchandise” (without tax banderols) (Err but your shop told me they had tax banderols on but they wouldn’t open the carton to show me. Can you please provide a link to this specific Duty Free law which you speak of? ) behind the security control. That means we are selling Duty Free Merchandise to EU-Passengers and Duty Free Passengers as well.(Really? how come there was no DUTY FREE price displayed anywhere or indeed details about this specific DUTY FREE law you mention that Bulgarians supposedly have? Sofia Airport shops (not your company) have 2 distinct areas … one marked DUTY FREE and the other DUTY PAID. The cigarettes are packaged accordingly and priced accordingly)

On your cash receipt is declared that this merchandise was sold “Tax & Duty Paid” to you. The taxes we are paying to the Bulgarian Country according to our cash system which is supervised by the Bulgarian Customs.(Really? HMRC/UKBA have told me that they would almost certainly seize any DUTY FREE packaged cigarettes even if you have a little till receipt.)

With respect to the price which you paid for a carton of Marlboro I understand that you were not happy with the significant price increase compared to the Bulgarian Domestic Market. The reason for that is that Philip Morris (brand owner of Marlboro) is unfortunately not offering to us the financial support which we need to match the prices of the Bulgarian Domestic Market.(Really? Why? Philip Morris are in Bulgaria and manufacture Marlboro in Bulgaria. Sofia Airport have these cigarettes along with all other brands … all with tax ‘banderols’ on showing DUTY PAID. They also have these brands showing DUTY FREE. All the health warnings are in Bulgarian though, unlike yours, that are in English. Where do you get them from?)

All other brands (Lucky Strike, Lambert & Butler, Silk Cut, Superkings) are on the price level of the Bulgarian Domestic Market as those cigarette houses are supporting us in an adequate way.(Really? these other brands you talk of are still marked DUTY FREE and are priced above the Bulgarian Domestic Market by a margin of around 10%)

We hope our explanation was clear enough to understand our specific situation in Bulgaria and we hope you enjoyed your holiday and as well your shopping at Burgas Airport.(No, your explanation is not clear enough)

We would be very happy to welcome you again at Burgas Airport or in another shop of Gebr. Heinemann.

Should you require any further questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us. 

(l did, immediately, along with the above points (albeit not so forcefully and sarcastically) and ever since you’ve remained silent!) 

Best regards from Hamburg,

****** *********

Who l’ve contacted and subsequent results

HMRC/UKBA    At first got a complete muppet who told me l can bring back my DUTY FREE Alowances from Bulgaria! Told the muppet that she didn’t know what she was taliking about and to put me on to someone who did. The next representative did know more and said the frontline officers would seize any DUTY FREE packaged goods regardless of the till receipt as it would be viewed as very suspicious. Went on to say they have no jurisdiction in Bulgaria. Seems that doesn’t stop them involving themselves restricting British brands in Belgium, Lux etc does it?
Also wrote to them and they responded with “All tobacco products from EU must be DUTY PAID. if you have any further questions you should contact Bulgarian Authorities”  (helpful, aren’t they?)

Bulgarian Customs    … no response.

British Embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria   …. no response

Philip Morris International    …. responded and are investigating and will reply after investigation.

Burgas Airport Management  …. no response

Balkan Holidays   … the company l got my flight only deal with. They send thousands upon thousands of British holidaymakers to this area (Sunny Beach) through Burgas Airport … no response

Sofia Echo … no response

Note:- no phones were hacked to produce this article