lntelligence Services???? hahahahaha UPDATE

According to latest reports the security theatre is again in full panic mode. Then we have these quotes

“It’s not a bomb but is ‘potentially sinister‘  …  🙂

lt may be a dry run for a bomb.”  Hahahahahaha

Yeah right, so you send a parcel that looks like a bomb to see what? lt gets through to the other end? lt’s not detected? What????

This security circus has just one set of performers …. clowns!!!!!!!


Barry Obama and Security Chief Brennan made a pigs ear of press release. Barry said it was apparently explosive material. Brennan said this material was made inert even though they didn’t know what it was and how it was to be triggered. He went on to say these packages were to “do harm”.

Very innocuous term there Mr Brennan.

They had 2 fighter jets from Canada and then 2 from USA escorting the aircraft in.

What! they flew this aircraft that they thought had a bomb on it over NY! l won’t mention the pointlesness of the fighter jets … ooh, l did.

Brennan says that it would be unusual for a traditional drt run to have explosives.

No, it would be totally stupid not too. Have a dry run? FFS!

The UK  package that was deemed not explosive has now gone away to test if it is.

Oh, l’m sure we can get a scientist to say that … just give him some extra money and it’ll be fine.

There was a tip-off

So apart from packages arriving at Jewish places of worship from their sworn enemies, we have a tip -off too?  ha ha ha

Well, you can see where it’s going folks. Expect shortly to have announcements that the packages were explosives and credible devices.

I bet the Chairman of BA had wished he kept his mouth shut …. cue more security restrictions.

Rebel Practitioner …. every little helps

From Zaphod, his latest battle against parking tickets … some earlier ones here. l believe he’s won 23 now.
“Dear Officer.

I enclose photocopies of two Penalty Notices.
 I have retained the originals for evidence. I assume that they are now my property

I am unable to complete the return portions, as both of the Issuing Officers have crossed through the sections headed, “Complete your details below”.
I shall not pay the fixed penalties, I wish to be dealt with by a court regarding these two alleged offences.
From your records, you may be aware that the last twenty three Penalty Notices which I have received for parking on ****************, (since June 2006), have all been unsuccessful.

All were either defeated in court, or discontinued by the Chief Crown Prosecutor, or cancelled by Central Ticket Office, or rescinded by the Police.
I am concerned that a future ticket might be removed by vandals before I find it, and that you might proceed on the assumption that I do not contest the charge. Please be aware that, until further notice, I wish to be dealt with by a court for all future allegations of illegal parking on ****************.

This letter will, as usual, be posted by Recorded Delivery at my expense. Its contents will be witnessed by a Magistrate, who will retain a copy.

Yours,  ***** ********  “

Sect 44 Stop and Search …. London, 1 in 100 …. Entering UK, 1in 3000!

Yes, that’s right … approx 1 in every 100 people were stopped and searched in London. Meanwhile only 1 in every 3000 people entering the UK got the same treatment.

The arrests total was 506 (none for terrorism) which equates to 0.49% but l can’t find how many of the 506 were charged or convicted.

However, l can understand the very high percentage of ‘whites’ that were stopped (59%) because lets be honest … if your were a policeman, would you actually want to stop and search a real terrorist? The terrorist will either be strapped up with explosives or armed … maybe both. Seeing that he/she intends to commit suicide, l can’t see him/her giving up peacefully.

l know this terrorist is only a bogeyman thought up by the security circus … but our police seem to want to make sure and therefore avoid anyone who even remotely looks like a terrorist.
 ….  even more so at the borders …. too many damn foreigners!


BA Chief says airport security checks redundant

BA Chairman says we should stop kow-towing to US increasingdemands.

Common sense emigrated a long time ago. At some point, somewhere in the world, a suicide bomber is going detonate a bomb (or even just attempt to) actually at airport security. When that happens what will the security circus do then? … pre airport security? lf an attack then happens there … pre pre airport security?

Admittedly, we have had a terrorist attack but these were not foreign nationals. Remind me again where this attack took place? … ah yes, the Tube! Lots of security there nowadays isn’t there? No travellers taking large suitcases etc onboard then??? Not to forget the buses either.

Don’t worry though, when you get to the airport everything will be checked to make sure you’re ‘safe’ and if there’s any suspect liquids … they’ll be confiscated and all thrown together in a big box!

What about travelling on the Inter-City trains? Surely there’s security comparable to airports there? … No, sorry … afraid not.

Ferries then? Like the P&O ferries that travel daily/hourly to and from mainland Europe? Surely there’s tight security there? … No, sorry … afraid not. You can get a bus (literally) onboard a ferry with no checks whatsoever except for passport checks.

But don’t panic because all suicide bomber terrorists (foreign) are totally stupid and have OCD about aircraft and so will get caught at airport security. They won’t detonate before they get on the aircraft because … because … because … errrrr?

H/T Longrider

Police to be trained by SAS … and given more powerful firearms!


You can arm police to the teeth but the reality is it would make very little difference to an attack. Terrorists like the Mumbai group are suicide attackers. There is no escape plan, the attack is to kill as many as possible regardless of age or sex and then die themselves. Western civilisation is completely open to such.

lmagine 10 Derrick Birds armed with AK47’s and explosives and splitting up into 2 groups or even pairs and then hitting various London targets on a busy Saturday afternoon. You simply cannot defend against such an attack. All you can do is damage limitation but that in itself is also limited by the very nature of the attack.

This arming and training of police by the SAS press release is just the Government saying ‘We are doing something’ because they know, as do the police, that there is little else they can do.

One wonders how you can train for such an incident as Mumbai in somewhere like London? The police may have access to more powerful weapons but actually using them would only be adding to the public casualties. Their recent exploits involving marksmanship hasn’t exactly been inspiring h/t Ambush Predator

Seeing as they already have a vast array of firearms, one wonders what these more powerful weapons would be …. .50 cal? 20 mm cannon? 30 mm cannon? The armed forces are taking cuts because it seems we have another army … called the Police Force!

Who should we be more afraid of … the foreign ‘terrorists’ (who don’t seem remotely interested in the UK) … or the Police Army Force?

What ever happened to the British Bulldog spirit?

Johnny Foreigner has lost all respect for us. We are a complete laughing stock as they observe our virtual total subservience to UK/EU regs and doctrines. Whilst they ignore or find ways round them, the sheeples of this country not only obey but actively enforce the very same regs and doctrines. lt’s embarrassing to the extreme.

Recently the Greek government tried again with the smoking ban but the people are openly ignoring and flaunting it … with the help and public backing of many of the business associations.

Compare that with the feeble response here … hell, l don’t even think you could call it a response. There was the exception like Nick Hogan but he was truly victimised for it. Where were the others? Where were the attempts at getting round the law? using the loopholes that are there? Maybe you know of someone who has done so? … well?

Yes l know we can blame the pathetic response from the breweries and how they control their tenants … but what about the freeholders? Where were they? And what about the restaurants? hotels? cafes and so on? … a resounding silence!

Of course that’s just the smoking ban. What about the thousands of other regs the sheeples have meekly accepted and then enforced? The UK is nothing but a joke and a feeble one at that.

The glimmer of hope is that all have not submitted … there are those that simply won’t ever submit and will continue fighting back no matter what.