Nagging SH into doing some Housekeeping

SH, just  fu#king do it!!!!!!!!

Us women are good at nagging so expect a few changes around here. SH is going to sort the site out so visitors can get to all the info easily. We’ve had oodles of new visitors since Real Tobacco and F2C started to promote the info cards so it needed doing imho.

The info card downloads are doing great , thanks peeps.. If all the cards so far downloaded are given to shoppers it will mean 2500+ will be much better prepared for UKBA or is that UKBF now? The new head of whatever they’re called is the Chief from Wiltshire Police called Brian Moore. I’d like to know what he’ll think of his new officers and the way they rob shoppers.

SBC’s (xxx) FOI and SH’s tobacco shopping calculator thingy have been downloaded over 1500+ times now each. Lots of the other stuff downloaded too. N2D are now over 250,000+ pageviews. I can’t resist temptation 🙂 this ‘small single issue’ blog is 3,000,000+ higher in rankings than the site that called N2D that! lol     Sticking the stiletto in! My ex will always remember me because he’s got a permanent round scar the size of a penny right in the middle of the top of his forehead! 🙂


Right SH, I don’t like that colour and ……..

🙂  xxxxx

10 thoughts on “Nagging SH into doing some Housekeeping

  1. Towards the end of last year I suggested to SH he write a 'Round Up Of 2010' post which listed all the events and achievements of the year. When I tried to make mental list of what this site has achieved so far I found I couldn't remember them all…not even all the major 'wins' let alone the minor…I still think it would be a good idea to have a page 'Blowing Our Own Trumpet' or whatever which lists all the actions taken, all the achievements, wins and also-with due anonymity- all the 'off site' appeals won for others etc.Modesty is a very fine virtue but people stumbling across this site for the first time need to get a sense of who we are and just how far we've come.More importantly, any passing journalist who stumbles drunkenly…

  2. "Needless to say the Election Commissioner look a pretty dim view of it all and made the famous remarks that in electoral terms Britain had become, “a banana republic”. He ruled that Labour had been responsible for, “massive, systematic and organised postal ballot fraud.” But some special words were reserved for the Chief Returning Officer, also the chief executive of the council. She had, “thrown the rule book out of the window”. And who was this poor unfortunate? Why non other than the star of my last blog, Lin Homer. Very sensibly our Lin thought it was time for a career change. So her old mates in Labour helped her out. She became the new head of the UK Borders Agency. How strange that she left to become Permanent Secretary at the Department of Transport this year during the holiday season, when it appears the rule book had been thrown out of the window by relaxing checks on those entering the UK."The appointment of her to CEO of HMRC was covered by many in Dec 11. How someone with such a track record is promoted to this position is beyond belief. Remember too that it wasn't Labour who gave her this job, it was the current government! The whole political class is corrupt.Treat them all including the UKBA, UK Border Force with the respect they deserve, NONE!

  3. Damn right, Prop!@ anon.The answer is perfectly clear. From a politician's point of view, it is THE GETTING AWAY WITH IT that is important. If Gove gets away with getting his wife to take his penalty points, he will be applauded to the rafters by members of his own party. The members of other parties will seeth with anger, but also with grudging admiration.

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