UK Border Force from Mar 2012 ##UPDATED##

l can’t honestly see what much difference the split of UK Border Force from UKBA will have. The only difference is there is no control from the Chief Executive. According to the UKBA Organisation chart Border force was virtually independent anyway. There is no connection shown with any of the other departments.
We now understand that a senior policeman will be in charge of this lot. We shall be seeking his/her opinion and stance on the current interview tactics and ‘forced’ signing of a ‘confession’. At the same time we’ll take the opportunity to bring up recording the interview.

Latest news from UKBA?   ….Zilch! they mention nothing about the changes at all 🙂


Here’s UKBA organisation chart with Border force removed

So  Border force will become UK Border Force :-
So lots of new job positions and titles no doubt, uniforms, badging, stationery blah blah blah  ££££££££’s. What happens with the National Post Seizure Unit (where you send Appeals) is unclear as it is still UKBA. Same goes for UKBA Complaints Team.
Here is another chart that shows the current organisation of UKBA in more detail. lt’s not great to navigate round but que sera sera. You can tell it’s government … they’ve got more departments and titles than “soft joe”

10 thoughts on “UK Border Force from Mar 2012 ##UPDATED##

  1. It could have to do with you teaching travelers how to avoid the UKBA seizures using their own rules against them. Maybe by splitting off a sector has to do with giving them a chance to re-write the rules to close anything in the law they do not like and try getting back to unwarranted nonstoppable seizures again by rewriting some rules differently.

  2. We know the goons at Passort control tell the Goons at the exit doors passengers travel history. Will this nonsence still go on? They declare this history information is Reasonable reasonable to suspect a crime. ?

  3. Anon 02.04 Not quite. What we've done is to show how to avoid intimidation, harassment and bullying when interviewed and avoid being tricked/intimidated into signing a confession. George … of course the nonsense will go on. They are incapable of changing their mindset.However, we are told a senior policeman will be in charge of the BF. I look forward to that and will be seeking his views on the afore mentioned interview tactics.

  4. The cop who seized my computers hinted that the police were getting involved, my understanding was at grass roots level, possibly I misunderstood. Most persons are of the opinion that the customs will still be a law unto themselves and like Lazzerini stated We are the customs and we can do what we like to youI HOPE TO PROVE PROVE WRONG.

  5. Have to agree. I used to know a girl who worked at the passport control at Calais, she told me that when they scan your passport all it does is tell them if the passport is faked (detects 90%+ of fake passports), whether you are on a 'watch list' or a football hooligan banned from travelling, or any such info.To get your travel history, a request needs to be made and approved by a senior goon. In practice, if your passport is taken away during an interview (sorry, chat), then it is almost certain that the goon is going to his supervisor, saying 'ok to check the travel history of mug A?', Boss Goon nods, history is checked. Takes a few seconds only.Been told the same by a few other people who work in the system as well.

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