Duty Calls

l’ll be away for a few days as l’m taking some people to Bulgaria. Staying a couple of nights so they can enjoy the experience of Sofia. They’ll be purchasing their goods and giving the tax that they pay to Bulgaria instead of the UK.

I always enjoy these trips as it is another group of people who will learn what their rights truly are when EU shopping and not what they are led to believe by HMRC and the government.

Upon our return l hope they are not stopped by Customs but if they are … they will not be like lambs to the slaughter, they will have been well prepared by myself and l will also be with them. Personally l enjoy being stopped by these HMRC jobsworths, for that is all they are. They have a script that usually works for them and stick to it religously … except it doesn’t work for them when you know the truth . Don’t accept their script and the sham is revealed

5 thoughts on “Duty Calls

  1. Well Smoking Hot we are All members of the EU and as such should benefit from EU shopping, plus we would not want to fund anymore Discrimination and Bullying that taxpaying smokers have to put up with in the UK.Tug.

  2. Maybe I will book in with you for a trip one day SH I would like to see it all first hand…Have a good one mate and fuck em over for all of us who can't go…this time!!!

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